There are many common diseases that affect oral health, most notably:
1- Tooth decay: It is caused by bacteria that feed on sugars and starches that accumulate on the teeth, which leads to the erosion of the hard layer of the teeth. Tooth decay is a condition that consists in damage to the outer hard layer of a tooth known as enamel. This condition is caused by acid decay, It is a reaction that occurs between bacteria present in the mouth and sugars present in foods consumed. Tooth decay can affect any tooth, But it occurs more commonly in back teeth and teeth that are frequently used for chewing. Sugars, starches and acidic foods are major causes of tooth decay.
They increase the multiplication of bacteria in the mouth and help form acids that attack enamel. Not paying enough attention to dental hygiene and not cleaning them regularly can also lead to the accumulation of bacteria and the formation of cavities.
For the prevention of tooth decay:
- You should eat healthy foods that contain a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
- Consumption of sugars, starches and acidic foods should be reduced.
- Drink enough water to help wash foods and food particles out of the mouth.
- Dental hygiene should also be taken care of by brushing and toothpaste regularly, and using dental floss and mouthwash containing fluoride to help strengthen enamel and prevent cavities.
2- Gingivitis: It occurs as a result of the accumulation of bacteria on the gums, which leads to redness, swelling and bleeding of the gums during brushing. Gingivitis is a common condition that occurs when plaque builds up in large quantities on teeth, a sticky film that contains bacteria that feed on food waste products in the mouth. When these bacteria accumulate, they produce toxins that attack the gums and cause inflammation. Gingivitis can destroy the tissues surrounding the teeth, and cause tooth loss.
Among the most important causes of gingivitis:
- Lack of good oral and dental care, such as not brushing your teeth regularly.
- Smoking and tobacco use.
- Certain medications that affect gum health.
- Some diseases such as diabetes.
Gingivitis can be prevented by following some simple steps such as:
- Brush your teeth regularly and putty.
- Use medical floss to clean between the teeth.
- Get regular teeth cleaning at the dental office.
- Stay away from smoking and tobacco use.
- Maintain blood sugar levels within normal ranges in the presence of diabetes.
Treatment options for gingivitis include:
- Teeth cleaning and limescale removal.
- Antibiotic therapy in more serious cases.
- Surgery in severe cases.
- Good oral and dental care and early intervention in mild cases.
- You should consult a dentist if there are any signs of gingivitis.
3- Tonsillitis: The mouth can get tonsillitis, which causes difficulty in swallowing and speaking and may lead to fever and a feeling of fatigue. Tonsillitis is a common condition that many develop at some point in their lives, and older children, adolescents and adults are at risk. Tonsillitis is caused by exposure to viral or bacterial infections, and common symptoms include headache, fever and fatigue. Difficulty swallowing and pain in the throat.
It is important to do some daily prevention to keep the tonsils healthy:
- By eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals .
- Avoid smoking and exposure to air pollutants.
- Viral or bacterial infections can also be avoided by washing your hands regularly and avoiding contact with infected people.
Regarding treatment, it depends on the cause of tonsillitis :
- If it is caused virally, tonsillitis is likely to disappear without special treatment.
- While antibiotics can be used if tonsillitis is caused by bacteria.
- Analgesic pain therapy may also be used
Such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve pain and fever . - The endoscope may also be used to remove small tumors from the tonsils in some cases.
4- Periodontal cysts: It is a small cyst that contains fluid that accumulates between the gums and teeth, and may lead to erosion of the bones surrounding the teeth and tooth loss. Periodontal cysts are a fluid filled cyst that originates in the tissues surrounding the teeth and gums. Periodontal cysts may be simple, cause no symptoms and do not require treatment, or they may be larger, cause swelling and pain and require treatment. Periodontal cysts are caused by gingivitis and the accumulation of bacteria, and can occur as a result of the accumulation of tartar and other deposits on the surface of the teeth and under the gums, which leads to irritation and inflammation of the gums, and thus the formation of periodontal cysts.
Prevention of periodontal cysts includes:
- Regular brushing: This includes gently rubbing teeth with a toothbrush for at least two minutes twice a day, and flossing to remove food waste accumulated between the teeth.
- Maintain oral hygiene: Be sure to rinse the mouth with an antibacterial solution after eating and drinking, and keep the mouth moist by drinking enough water.
- Visit the dentist periodically: It is recommended to visit the dentist periodically to clean the teeth and conduct the necessary tests to ensure that there are no health problems.
- Treatment for periodontal cysts varies depending on their size, location, and how much they affect oral health.
- Periodontal cysts may be treated with antibiotics and regular hygiene, or surgery to remove them if they are large and cause swelling.
5- Pain in the face and jaws: It can be caused by inflammation of the teeth, ear, sinuses, or any other health condition.
6- Dry mouth: where saliva is produced in the mouth, and if this production stops, it can cause dry mouth, and increase the risk of tooth decay and gum infections.
7- Technological caries: It is dental decay that occurs as a result of exposure of teeth to electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops.