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Miscarriage is the termination of a pregnancy before the completion of a normal pregnancy period that usually lasts for 40 weeks, and can occur naturally or be the result of medical intervention. Abortion can be classified into several types, such as natural abortion and artificial abortion. Miscarriage may occur due to several reasons, such as fetal malformations, infection, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, the mother’s exposure to serious accidents or injuries, and repeated miscarriages. But in some cases, a specific cause of miscarriage may not be identified.

In addition, other symptoms may appear such as
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever, loss of consciousness in rare cases.

To prevent miscarriage, pregnant women should maintain their overall health and communicate with their physician regularly, seek the necessary medical attention, avoid exposure to harmful chemicals, radiation and infection, and avoid severe psychological and physical stress. In the case of natural abortion, there is no special treatment, but pregnant women should contact the attending physician if the above symptoms appear, and receive the necessary care. Doctors may recommend medical procedures such as endoscopy or injections after an abortion to remove the remaining uterine tissue. In the case of artificial abortion, the operation is performed by the treating doctor after evaluating the case and discussing options with the mother. Medications may be used to facilitate miscarriage, but you should consult your physician before using any type of medication. Finally, pregnant women should take care of their overall health and communicate with their physician regularly, and follow the necessary medical advice to reduce the risk of miscarriage

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