blood pressure
Hypertension is a condition in which systolic blood pressure increases to more than 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure increases
to more than 90 mmHg on a regular medical examination. High blood pressure is a very common health problem and can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
The causes of high blood pressure are many, including:
1. Genetic and hereditary factors: People who have a family with similar conditions are more likely to develop high blood pressure.
2. Psychological factors: such as anxiety, psychological tension and nervous tension.
3. Nutritional factors: eating foods rich in sodium and lack of eating foods rich in potassium, in addition to being overweight and obese.
4. Health factors: such as diabetes, high cholesterol level and smoking.
High blood pressure can sometimes be asymptomatic, but in more serious cases it can cause symptoms such as:
1. Headache and dizziness.
2. Chest ache and shortness of breath.
3. Dizziness and lethargy.
4. Visual impairment and vomiting.
To treat:
A treatment plan for high blood pressure includes several options, which vary depending on the degree of elevation and how long the person has it. These options can include:
1. Lifestyle changes:
You should start making lifestyle changes to help you control high blood pressure, and these changes can include:
* Quit smoking
* Get rid of excess weight
* Regular exercise, such as walking, swimming and cycling
* Reduce the intake of salty, processed foods and fats
* Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables and foods rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium.
2. Drug therapy:
In some cases, you may need to take medications to control high blood pressure. These medications may include:
* Thiazide diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide.
* Angiotensin receptor inhibitors, such as enalapril and losartan.
* Calcium inhibitors, such as nifedipine and amlodipine.
* Aldosterone inhibitors, such as spironolactone.
3. Surgical treatment:
In some cases, you may need surgery to get rid of a problem that is causing high blood pressure, such as:
* Renal vein surgery.
* Lung surgery for patients with stenosis.
Also, treatment can vary depending on the specific cause of hypertension. For example, if systolic elevation is the main problem, drugs may be prescribed that dilate blood vessels or rapidly lower the heart to improve blood flow and lower pressure. On the other hand, if diastolic elevation is the main problem, drugs may be prescribed that dilate blood vessels, reduce pressure on blood vessels and lower blood pressure. You must adhere to the instructions of the treating doctor and be careful to conduct periodic examinations to measure Blood pressure and adjustment of treatment when needed. One of the most important preventive measures for hypertension Maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle by quitting smoking, reducing salt intake and foods high in saturated fat, and increasing the intake of fruits, vegetables and foods with high dietary fiber.
It is also recommended to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress, anxiety and stress. And in conclusion, individuals suffering from hypertension should work to minimize the causative agents of this condition and follow the above preventive measures,
In addition to adhering to the instructions of the attending physician and the prescribed treatment To improve their health and reduce the risks associated with high blood pressure.