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Diseases in Internal Medicine

Diseases in Internal Medicine

The Department of Internal Medicine includes many different diseases that affect the internal organs of the body, and these diseases can be classified into several categories according to their causes, symptoms and treatment methods.
Among the common diseases diagnosed and treated in the Department of Internal Medicine, we mention:

1- High blood pressure: High blood pressure is one of the most common diseases in the internal medicine department, and may lead to serious health complications such as cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
2- Diabetes: Diabetes is one of the very common diseases in the internal medicine department, and it can lead to serious health complications such as diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and eyes.
3- Liver diseases: Many liver diseases are diagnosed in the internal medicine department, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer.
4- Gastroenterology: Many gastrointestinal diseases are diagnosed in the Department of Internal Medicine, such as enteritis, peptic ulcers, esophagitis and neurotic colon.
5- Respiratory diseases: Many respiratory diseases are diagnosed in the Department of Internal Medicine, such as bronchitis, asthma and bronchial obstruction.
These are some of the common diseases in the Department of Internal Medicine, but there are many other diseases that are diagnosed and treated in this department. Prevention varies

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