Fibroid: It is a benign tumor that occurs in the uterine wall and can cause severe pain and bleeding during the menstrual cycle. Uterine fibroid is a type of benign tumor that originates in the muscles of the uterus and is very common among women of childbearing age. This tumor can lead to symptoms such as heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle, severe pain and uterine enlargement. The etiology of uterine fibroid is still unknown, however, certain factors such as heredity, radiation exposure and cellular growth factors can increase the risk of developing this disease.
The etiology of uterine fibroid is still unknown, however, certain factors such as heredity, radiation exposure and cellular growth factors can increase the risk of developing this disease. There is no direct prevention of uterine fibroid, but the risk can be reduced by following a healthy lifestyle, eliminating influencing factors such as obesity, smoking and heavy alcohol intake, and periodically checking the ovaries and uterus for any signs of a tumor. Treatment of uterine fibroid is usually done by determining the symptoms and size of the tumor, and treatment includes lifestyle changes, drug therapy, surgical and radiation treatment, and the treatment plan depends on the patient’s condition and preferences. You should contact a doctor if any abnormal symptoms appear in the area of Pelvis, uterus or breast for early diagnosis and provision of appropriate treatment.
A fibroid uterine tumor is usually treated if it causes bothersome symptoms or affects quality of life. Various treatments include:
1- Drug therapy: It involves taking medications to relieve symptoms associated with the tumor, such as pain and heavy bleeding. Aromatase inhibitors may be used that help reduce tumor size and bleeding.
2- Surgical treatment: involves removing the entire tumor or uterus. This step is usually used in the case of a tumor that is large or causing serious symptoms. Traditional, laser or robotic surgeries can be used.
3- Radiation therapy: It is usually used as an adjunct therapy to control the size of the tumor and relieve the symptoms associated with it. In some cases after surgery, radiation therapy is used to limit tumor growth. It is important to consult on different options with a specialist doctor and talk about the potential risks and benefits of each. Attention must be paid to controlling the main factors that increase the risk of developing uterine fibromatosis, such as obesity and radiation exposure. And get rid of factors affecting cellular growth.
In summary, uterine fibroid is common among women, and although its causes are still not fully known, factors such as genetics and radiation exposure can increase the risk. Various treatments can be used to relieve Tumor-related symptoms, including pharmacotherapy, surgery and radiation. Although uterine fibroid is rarely serious, it can cause bothersome symptoms and affect quality of life. Talk to your doctor about different treatment options and factors affecting tumor growth. Fibroideroma can be prevented by taking care of public health and eliminating factors affecting cellular development, such as obesity, smoking and radiation exposure. If any symptoms associated with uterine fibroma appear, A specialist should be consulted to diagnose the condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan